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  • Writer's pictureCeline Pickard

Learning a foreign language and the reasons why!

Here we are... My first post! What a better way to start than by talking about the different reasons to learn a foreign language. It won't be long, I promise!

As a language tutor and a mother of two bilingual children, I want to talk about the reasons to learn a second language. In this day and age, where technology, people and trade move so fast and so quickly, learning a second language can be useful in so many ways. If like myself, you have settled in another country or that your other half is from another nationality it makes sense to learn a second language. But not that's not all... To me learning a foreign language is first and foremost about having fun (the way a language is spoken and written, the way words are ordered in a sentences ; the play on words, the puns). To me learning a foreign language is healthy for your brain (it is proven that it helps with dementia in old age AND with multitasking ; and who doesn't like a bit of multitasking!?).

Here is a link to a TED talk by John McWhorter explaining 4 reasons to learn a second language.

And on that note, I hope you got something out of this because I did.



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